Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Chemo Day - YUCK

Today is Chemo Day - YUCK

This morning I was reviewing my emails and one made me smile. A dear friend had been trying to call me and had my wrong cell number. I immediately called him, because he ALWAYS cheers me up and we have such great conversations.We both love to garden, the outdoors and he has such a great outlook on life in general. We are a lot alike in how to face problems. We talked about all of the good things that are going on while I am in treatment. Yes, I have several days of feeling very ill, but all in all I feel pretty good the majority of the time.

I like to have Chemo on Monday and here is why. Chemo Monday is the beginning of my work week, who likes Monday's? Not many. Then comes Tuesday and you are still recovering from the beginning of the week. When Wednesday rolls around you have reached hump day and are on the downhill side. Thursday you see the light at the end of the weekly tunnel as you are approaching TGIF. Then you have your weekend to enjoy again.

Today is actually Tuesday. I had to push my chemo out a week due to very low blood counts again. I saw my Onc yesterday and I will begin to take Filgrastim to boost my cell regeneration. This is a shot I give myself the following week of chemo for five days. Cheers to being back on a consecutive schedule. And boo to having to take more meds. Sometimes the body becomes so beat up it needs additional assistance.

This morning is not too hot yet, so I am off for a good run/walk before my chemo. My daughter will be here early so we can go for a nice lunch before my appointment. Stay tuned for more updates.

Remember: This is a little bump in the road we call life. Eat right and keep moving. Your body will thank you.


  1. Deanna - Your thoughts on paper (or on line for that matter) are very inspiring to others and I love your positive outlook. One doesn't even see that you are bald because your radiant smile and beautiful green eyes outshine everything else, it always has. Keep up the good work, keep writing - it's great therapy I am sure. Sending prayers your way to keep you positive! You got this!

    1. Diana - Thank you! It is everyone's thoughts, prays and comments that keep me going.
